Source: screenshot from TEDx video talk, The Gift and Power of Unstructured Time | Allison Holzer | TEDxHartford -  YouTube

Inspired by Allison Holzer, Master Certified Coach's excellent talk and my experience of using unstructured time well.

"I felt so good using the commute time for unstructured time to stimulate my thinking. If we do not have commute time, let us ensure we do not feel guilty for carving out time for the unstructured time anyway."

Inspiration is not something that happens - it's something we actively seek out to pursue our goals. And often, when we're free to let our imaginations run wild in moments of unstructured time, that true inspiration emerges. Unstructured time is a gift and a powerful tool for inspiring innovation and change.

But while inspiration is crucial, it's not enough on its own. Even the best ideas can be unrealized without the proper knowledge, resources, and support. Unfortunately, many regret not acting on their ideas due to lacking resources. To avoid this, we must delve deeper into what it means to work on inspiration and explore the tools and support available to bring our goals to fruition.

In her talk at TEDxHartford (16 Dec. 2022), Allison Holzer poses the question:

"With overscheduled calendars and the push to be more and more productive, how do we create space for greater awareness and new thinking that can inspire positive change? In the fast pace of the modern world, our brains are now wired to jump quickly from one thing to the next, without breaks and without time for rest or processing. The cost of this harried relationship with time is lost access to key insights we need to creatively solve the challenges we face in our work and personal lives. The cost is also exhaustion and burnout.

Fortunately, we all have access to a power we seldom allow ourselves to tap into: unstructured time – time when you release your brain from your usual agendas, tasks, and active problem-solving and, instead, invite your mind to wander outward and inward, where you synthesize your thoughts, feelings and imagine the future. But, despite the many benefits of unstructured time, most people don't know what it is or how to create the right environment for it. Some may even feel guilty for carving out the time."

Enjoy the engaging talk by Allison Holzer, where she helps us change this perception and start embracing unstructured thinking time as essential for our best performance in work and our well-being in an ever-distracted, ever-changing, and multi-tasking world. "Where do you come up with your great ideas? In the shower, perhaps? Allison will talk about the power of unstructured thinking time. So think about that…wherever you are!"

Allison Holzer talk at TEDxHartford (16 Dec. 2022)

"Imagine what could be possible if we called out unstructured time as a powerful workplace and leadership strategy that could lead to greater awareness and quality of thinking!" Allison Holzer

 I firmly believe that inspiration is not a passive act but an active pursuit of our goals. That's where coaching comes in - it can help guide individuals toward embracing inspiration and taking action toward achieving their objectives. As a coach, I believe in supporting people to tap into that inner well of creativity and drive. By framing our perspectives to embrace inspiration, we can unlock our full potential and move confidently toward our objectives. Please do not hesitate to DM me if you want to explore working with me as a coach.

Don't let regret overshadow the potential of acting upon your inspiration - embrace the gift of unstructured time and take action toward your dreams. Dig deeper, harness your inspiration, and create a future that reflects your best self. Unlock the potential of unstructured time and ignite the spark to inspire you to transform. Embrace the freedom to break free from the monotony of routine and explore the endless possibilities that await. Rise to the challenge and let unstructured time be your catalyst for change. The power is within you. So what are you waiting for?


About me and AKK Find Your Way®

I am an Inspirational Leadership, Team, and Life Coach, and I firmly believe that if people and teams can find their way in life on their terms, in their unique way, this will make them feel successful, fulfilled, and at peace with themselves. AKK Find Your Way® offers Coaching, Mentoring, Learning, and Training Services focused on enhancing awareness and knowledge and finding inspiration that can help ensure continuously moving forward and taking action on your vision and goals in your unique way!

If you are curious, please sign up here for our newsletters and information about upcoming events.


This Group Coaching Program will support you in finding and acting on YOUR lens of inspiration to shed light on opportunities and resources that can help you move forward, continue learning, grow, and find YOUR way to reach your desired outcomes!

· To know more and explore whether this program is for you, please book a Discovery Session through the above link.







Anna-Karin Kruse
Anna-Karin Britta Kruse - VAT Reg No.: IT02690100991
Via del Lago, 1 int. 3
Arenzano (GE) 16011